6 November 2024

CONFERENCE Agir pour l’Égalité – Think & Do Tank Marie Claire: Gender bias in AI

Our founding partner, Claire Poirson, spoke at Agir pour l’Égalité – Think & Do Tank Marie Claire, whose theme this year was “More women in artificial intelligence and tech professions”.

Claire Poirson spoke in particular on the subject of gender bias in AI: how to detect it, how to avoid it, how to deal with it and why?

Biases in artificial intelligence occur when AI systems, generally trained on pre-existing information, reinforce stereotypes already present. Left unchecked, AI-generated biases can have major societal effects, such as discrimination based on sex or gender.

The conference was attended by Minister Salima SAA, in charge of Equality between women and men, and Julie Huguet, Director of Mission La French Tech.

Claire Poirson was joined by renowned experts including Catherine Ladousse of the Haut Conseil à l’Egalité entre les femmes et les hommes, Élisabeth Moreno, President of the Femmes@Numérique foundation, former Minister for Equality between women and men, Laurence Devillers, Professor of AI at the Sorbonne, President of the Blaise Pascal foundation, researcher at the CNRS, and others.

As part of our ongoing drive to break down barriers, the day’s events highlighted the many professions in the AI and Tech sectors, and the career opportunities they offer for women.

👉 More information on :  Agir pour l’Égalité – Think & Do Tank Marie Claire : Think and DoTank : Agir pour l’égalité – Marie Claire



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