4 October 2024

[INTERVIEW] « Fake videos: beware of the traps »

Our founding partner, Claire Poirson shed some legal lights on #deepfake scams on TF1 ‘s 8pm news , one of the major French TV channel yesterday.

The meteoric progress of Artificial Intelligence now makes it possible to steal the identity, face, voice and facial expressions of celebrities and anonymous people alike.

This is known commonly, hashtag#deepfake.

Pornographic deepfake are proliferating on the Internet. 98% of them are aimed at women.

For several months now, scammers have been flooding social networks with fake ads to steal your personal and banking data.

In France, since the French hashtag#SREN law: publishing a deepfake online using the image of a real person means risking up to 2 years’ imprisonment and a 45,000-euro fine, and 3 years’ imprisonment and a 75,000-euro fine for deepfake porn.

💡 What are the solutions to deepfake scams?

Here’s what the FIRSH teams can say from its experience: as regular participants in awareness-raising training courses and in the implementation of internal processes (anticipating risk remains the best solution), but also, unfortunately, after the fraud has been committed, here are a few tips on how to spot a hashtag#deepfake and, in particular, a fake bank transfer scam (or “president scam”).

1. PREVENTION: Implement awareness-raising policies and detection procedures within the company.
Some reflexes:
✅ on videos: tools for creating false images are still having a little trouble with certain body parts, especially hands and feet (this won’t last). Particular attention will also be paid to synchronizing the speaker’s lips with the speech.
✅ If you’re videoconferencing, ask your interlocutor at the start of the meeting to make a specific gesture, such as a particular head movement.
✅ in the case of email exchanges or a message on an answering machine: analyze the context of the request: it’s often urgent, late at night (before leaving) or highly confidential (so that you don’t tell others in the company): set up a “safe words” policy .
✅ install detection tools and reinforce your “cyber” policy, particularly concerning the security of your messaging systems.
✅ check your insurance policy

2. ACTION: take appropriate legal action to identify the perpetrators as far as possible, remove the videos online and, if personal data is involved, notify the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority).

Link to the video:


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